Kaysville Utah Real Estate
Welcome to my Kaysville Real Estate, Utah page (zip code 84037). This page contains useful information on the Kaysville UT Real Estate market, including median Kaysville home prices and demographic information.
Kaysville City
Kaysville City, UT is located in Davis County on the east bank of the great salt lake, approximately 23 miles north of Salt Lake City. Kaysville was settled in 1847 when a pioneer was sent north from Salt Lake City to find grazing land.
For more information on the city you can visit the Kaysville City government website.
Demographics (2010)
Kaysville is part of the Davis School District. If you have children then use this Kaysville Schools link to research school performance and other useful information.
Sold Homes
If you are thinking of selling your home you might want to checkout a list of homes we have recently sold in Kaysville City
Do you want to know the location of a subdivision/community? This checkout of map showing all the major Kaysville Subdivisions.
Home Prices
Kaysville median single family home prices.